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Votre esprit est une arme.

{ Likes. }


• Tea. 

• Nature - Forests.

• Ocean - Beach.

• Going on runs in the forest.

• Animals.

• Art.

• Music.

• Winter.


{ Dislikes. }


• Frogs.

• Oysters.

• Overly Sweetened coffee.


{ Hobbies. }


• Writing.

• Horse riding.

• Dancing.

• Gardening.

• Art.

• Surfing/skating.


{ Skills. }


• Vet/Medical work.

• Drawing/Painting.

• Cooking.

• Dancing.

• Gardening.

• Sewing.

• Hunting.

• Blacksmithing.

• Magic - Mild. Still in progress.


{ Languages. }


• Fluent in: English, French, Dovahzul.

• Work in progress: Latin.

• Willing/wanting to learn: German, Italian, Spanish.


{ Vices. }


• Alcohol.

• Pain.

• Weed.

• Drugs. (Rarely.)

• Cigarettes. (Rarely.)

{ Mental disabilities. }


• Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. ( Average. )

- Flash backs.

- Night terrors.

- Traumatic; anxiety induced episodes.

- Suicidal thoughts.

- Shutting down.


• Generalized Anxiety Disorder. ( Average. )

- Irrational/constant fear and worry.

- Restless.

- loss of interest in activities.



• Panic Disorder. ( Average. )

- Non-triggered and triggered Panic attacks.

- Struggle breathing.

- Heavy feeling in chest.


• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. ( Average. )

- Obsessive cleaning.

- Picture frames have to be straight - if applicable to image.


• Bi-polar disorder.

- Manic episodes; loses sense of reality for a while.

- Major lows.

- Loss of interest in activity.


{ Phobias. }


• Fear of Abandonment. 

• Claustrophobia.

• Autophobia.

• Coulrophobia.

• Sociophobia.

• Lilapsophobia.

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