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Chapter two: Wolf gone wild.

Mental disabilities;


*Flash backs.

*Night terrors.

*Cold sweats.

*Traumatic; anxiety induced episodes.

*Suicidal thoughts.

*Black outs.


- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

*Irrational/constant fear and worry.


*loss of interest in activities.


- Panic disorder.

*Non-triggered and triggered Panic attacks.

*Struggle breathing.

*Heavy feeling in chest.


-Major depressive disorder.

*Lack/increase of sleep.

*Lack of self esteem.

*Suicidal thoughts.

*Loss of appetite.


- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

*Socks have to be matching.

*Bottle caps.

*Bed needs to be made a specific way.


- Bi-polar disorder.

*Manic episodes; loses sense of reality for a while.

*Major lows.

*Loss of interest in activity.

Physical disabilities;

- Left leg;

*Nerve damage.

*Loss of feeling in 95% of it.

*Occasional, radiating pain that spikes to the hip and lower back.

- Left hip;

*Joints lock up.

*Nerve damage.

*Occasional, extreme pain.


- Horses.

- Runs.

- Walks.

- Boat rides.

- Music.

- Art.

- Books.

- Movies.

- Winter.


- Summer.

- Toads.

- Seaweed.

- Moths.

- Chicken nuggets.

- Cabbage. 

- Foxtails. (The plant; usually in hay.)

- Hazelnut.


- Horse riding.

- Reading.

- Writing.

- Playing Instruments.


- Horses.

- Cats.

- Sunflowers/Sunflower seeds.

- Certain types of fish.


- Alcohol.

- Pain.

- Cigarettes.

- Cocaine.

- Pills.

- Weed.

- Tattoos.

- Piercings.

- Sex. (Occasionally.)

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